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charity gift



Agriculture Bundle


Ee-I Ee-I Oh my gosh thank you!

It doesn’t matter if your loved ones are bonafide farmers or just own a pair of hot pink cowboy boots — they will love these gifts! Especially when they find out that they contribute to Oxfam’s programs, like helping communities hatch a sustainable living through farming. Yee-haw!

The Agriculture Bundle contains three (3) cards: Chicken, Duck, Goat.

Select your card type *
Choose your impact *

How this helps

Buying this bundle, contributes to Oxfam’s work around the world, including programs that provide communities with the training, skills and tools needed to turn farming into a viable source of income. By spreading their wings and taking control of their futures, communities can break the cycle of poverty and cultivate a brighter future for themselves and their families. With the Agriculture Bundle, we can all be a part of creating a more just and equitable world.

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